Micro:bit上是集成了加速度计在上面,使用加速度计来检测手臂的晃动就可以实现计步的功能。再配上纽扣电池供电就是一个简单的计步器。1 x...
0 0 7225
2018-01-19 15:57 发布
Solution to Micro:bit Power Problem
Today I am going to talk with you something about micro:bit power supply. All of you who had played micro:bit know that it has t...
0 0 4347
2018-01-19 16:36 发布
How to Make a Colorful Crystal Lamp with Micro:bit
Christmas Day is coming soon. Are you still head-aching about Christmas gifts for your children or friends? Let's move our hands...
0 0 4304
2018-01-20 11:46 发布
今天,我们用micro:bit与超声波模块来做一个超声波测距仪。1 x BBC micro:bit1 x Octopus:bit1 x OLED模块1 x HC-SR...
0 0 15K
2018-02-03 13:57 发布
Friday Product Post: TMP36 Temperature Sensor Brick & DC Voltmeter
Hello my friends! Nice to see you on Friday! Today we will continue to introduce some useful electronic components for you. Hope...
0 0 4392
2018-02-03 13:58 发布
Take flight and achieve your pipe dreams with your own version of the notoriously challenging Flappy Bird game, using nothing bu...
0 0 5482
2018-02-03 14:00 发布
0 0 6187
2018-02-03 14:01 发布
Bravo! Now We are A Parterner of Micro:bit Official!
Today, I am going to tell you an exciting news: BBC Micro:bit Foundation has included us as one of their parterners!You can read...
0 0 4538
2018-02-03 14:03 发布
Hello My dear friends! How is your micro:bit study going? I guess you might have already matered the basic programming skills no...
0 0 5004
2018-02-03 14:05 发布